4 Essential Reports Account Executives Should Use to Work Smarter

Working smarter AND harder guaranteed my success as an Account Executive. Here are the reports I relied on to work smarter:

1) Priority Accounts

Never waste time wondering “what account should I work today?”

2) Priority Contacts

There’s no guarantee your ideal prospect responds to your first sequence. This report ensured they never fell through the CRM cracks.

3) Next Six Months Renewals

Nothing worse than a customer saying, “I wish I knew you could help with this when I submitted my budget for our renewal.” This report kept me in front of all customer new business opportunities.

4) Lost Opportunities

Helped me revive “no decision” deals as well as identify new opportunities with context.

Effectively using these reports significantly boosted my earnings. If you want to learn how to use them, take a look at this short video:


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