Closing & Deal Strategy

I used to avoid risk in my deals at all costs. "If we don't talk about it, the buyer won't...
In my years selling, I’ve tried to accelerate deals in many ways. Nothing I’ve tried has ever worked as well as...
There are four main causes for deals stalling in sales. Hypothetical solutions can get you far in the sales...
Promising deals stalling late in the process is one of the most frustrating outcomes for a seller. You can have a...
Let's talk about how to leverage previous users to accelerate multi-threading and win more deals. Smart AEs leverage previous champions and...
Competitive industries are saturated with high-cost and low-cost providers. Regardless of where your solution fits on the cost spectrum, you can...
You are constantly being told to “sell higher” and involve economic buyers/execs in your deals. It’s not an easy request for...
If pressed to offer universal advice for sellers, I think I'd say, "shift the burden." Here's what it could look like...
As we approach the end of the year you may be worrying about getting deals closed before end of quarter. One...
I’m frequently asked if you should bring up pricing early in a deal. I think you should almost always bring it...